– about 32,000 inhabitants – occupies a memorably beautiful
site. Developed as a Phoenician and Hellenistic town, it sits at
a height of 751m, perched on the mountain of the same name, covering
a triangular plateau with a glorious view over the sea. Enclosed
within defensible bastions and walls, the town is a veritable labyrinth
of little cobbled streets and passages wide enough to accommodate
one person at a time.
The houses, packed one upon another,
each have their own charming, carefully-tended, inner courtyard
that can be guarded from the gaze of neighbours or passing gentry,
and so allows family life to take its daily course in absolute privacy.
In Antiquity, Erice was famous for
its temple where in succession, the Phoenicians worshipped Astarte,
the Greeks venerated Aphrodite and the Romans celebrated Venus.
Mount Eryx served as a point of reference for sailors, who, in time,
adopted Venus as their protector. At night, a large fire would be
lit within the sacred precinct and used as a guiding beacon. Venus
Erycina became so famous that a temple was dedicated to her in Rome,
meanwhile, her cult spread throughout the Mediterranean.
like Janus, is two faced: there is the bright, sunny face that smiles
during the long hot summer days, when light floods its tiny streets
and distant views extend over the valley and far out to sea; there
is also the mask of winter when, shrouded in mist, the town seems
to hark back to its mythical origins, leaving the visitor with a
feeling of unease and the impression of a place removed from time
and reality. Enveloped by its medieval atmosphere, cool mountain
air, beautiful pine woods, pervading silence, combined with its
rich local craft traditions, make Erice a highly popular destination
for tourists.
myth and legend – The history of Erice is lost among local
folklore and superstition. The name is the one given by Eryx, the
mythical hero and king of the Elimi, to the mountain upon which
the temple to his mother, Venus Erycina (later associated with the
cult of Aphrodite), was built. The origins of the town are also
linked with Aeneas, who also had a claim on the Elimian king’s
mother. In Virgil’s narrative, Aeneas came ashore at the foot
of the mountain to perform the funeral of his father Anchises. Having
lost several ships in a fire, he was forced to abandon there a number
of his companions, who set about founding the town.
major mythological figure associated with Erice is Heracles. The
hero is alleged to have landed in this part of Sicily on his way
back to Greece, having stolen the cattle of Geryon (one of the legendary
Twelve Labours); during his stay he was forced to kill the Elimian
king after he tried to steal the cattle from him. Notwithstanding
this, Heracles decided to leave the rule of the kingdom in the hands
of the Elimi, with the warning that one of his descendants, Dorieus,
would later take over as ruler.
leap into the past
dreams – Those wishing to experience the pleasure of sleeping
in a historical building can do so at Baglio Santa Croce, in Valederice
just below Erice, a 17C farmhouse that has been transformed into
a hotel, but yet retaining its original fabric. Peace and seclusion
are assured by the fine terraced gardens.
– Both the two roads that wind up to the town afford superb
views across the plain and out to sea (the one on the north side,
overlooking Monte Cofano, is easier). The little town takes the
shape of a perfect equilateral triangle, whose symbolism has provoked
mystery and endless argument: hemmed in by the Castello di Venere
(south-eastern axis) and the Chiesa Madre (south-western side).
Exactly in the centre of the triangle is the Church of St. Peter
with its adjacent monastery that now houses the E. Majorana Centre
for Culture and Science. An intricate maze of narrow
streets, each cobbled with rectangular stones, provides unexpected
glimpses of churches and monasteries, of which there are over 60,
scattered through the town. It is advisable to park at Porta Trapani.
Chiesa Matrice – The town’s
main church is situated near Porta di Trapani, one of the entrances
to the town. Built in the 14C, principally using stone from the
Temple of Venus, its massive form and merlon-topped walls suggest
it was intended as a church-fortress. The façade is graced
with a fine rose-window (replicating the original), that is now
partly concealed by the Gothic porch that was added a century later.
Inside, fashioned in Neo-Gothic, sits a fine marble altarpiece from
the Renaissance.
– The lonely tower to the left of the church was originally
intended as a watchtower. The first level has simple narrow slits,
while the upper section is graced with fine two-light Chiaramonte-style
windows. The top is crenellated with Ghibelline merlons.
Museo Cordici – Accommodated
inside the town hall is the local museum which collects together
various archeological finds, statuary and paintings. Notable exhibits
include Antonello Gagini’s sculpture of the Annunciation (1525)
and, on the first floor, beyond the library containing manuscripts
and early books, a small marble head of a woman, modelled on a Greek
little further along, on the right of the piazza, is Via Cordici
which leads into the picturesque Piazza San Domenico, lined on one
side by a street of the same name and on the other by elegant palazzi.
del Ballo – The lovely public gardens are arranged around
the Castello di Venere and the Torri di Ballo which were built by
the Normans as a forward defence for the castle. The towers and
gardens are named after the Norman governor (Baiulo) who once lived
on this site. The glorious view embraces Monte Cofano, Trapani,
the Egadi Islands and, on a particularly clear day, Pantelleria
and, possibly, Cap Bon some 170km away in Tunisia.
di Venere – The 12C Venus’ Castle is appended to the
very tip of the mountain, looking out over the sea and the plain
below; although the present building is Norman, the site itself
has a more ancient history. Indeed, it was once occupied by a temple
dedicated to Venus Erycina, who became completely associated with
Aphrodite especially after a temple was dedicated to her in Rome
(217 BC) when she gained popularity. By the time the Normans were
in occupation the temple was in ruins, and so it was decided that
the area should be cleared to make way for a fortress surrounded
by great walls: the complex was designed to exploit the strategic
nature of the site and have the added protection of forward defences
in the form of towers (Torri del Ballo) that would once
have been accessible from the castle by a drawbridge. Its defensibility
was further emphasised by the machicolations above the entrance;
note the coat of arms of Charles V of Spain and the rather attractive
two-light window. This provides a perfect viewpoint from which to
survey Trapani and the Egadi lslands to the southwest and, to the
north, the towers, the Pepoli turret (down below), San Giovanni,
Monte Cofano, the coast around Bonagia and, if the weather is fine,
the island of Ustica.
Walls – A mighty wall was built by the Elimini (8C-6C BC)
around the north-eastern flank of the town – the only section
open to possible attack. Massive blocks characterise the lowest
and most ancient stone courses which were built up through successive
ages with smaller components. The skyline was punctuated with lookout
towers, steep stairways provided access to the chemin-de-ronde,
while small openings allowed residents to come and go freely and
for supplies to be imported. The best-preserved stretch of walls
runs along Via dell’Addolorata, from Porta Carmine to Porta
Orsola – This church, built in 1413, preserves its original
Gothic rib vaulting down the nave. It is here that the 18C Mystery
figures are kept when not being processed around the town on Good
Friday before the Easter celebrations.
Spagnolo – From the top of the so-calted Spanish Quarter building,
initiated in the 17C but never completed, there is a marvellous
view over the bay of Monte Cofano and the area beyond, and down
towards the tuna fishery at Bonagìa.
dl Bonagìa – Approx 13km to the north. Drive down to
Valderice and continue towards Tonnara (from the main Valderice
road, turn left at the super-market). At Bonagìa, follow
signs for the Tonnara (tuna fishery) while looking out for its distinctive
tower. The tuna fishery, set up in the 17C, was once a simple self-contained
village: clustered around a large central courtyard were the fishermens
houses, facilities for cleaning and processing the tuna, the boathouse
(now a conference centre, although two examples of fishing-boats
remain) and a small chapel where the tuna fishermen used to assemble
before going out to sea. The Saracen tower, intended for use in
defending the place, now houses the Museo della Tonnara, a small
museum displaying the tools and equipment required in building and
repairing boats, fishing and the initial stages implemented in sorting
and processing the fish. On the second floor, a scale model shows
the long corridors of net
that the tuna must enter before reaching the last chamber made of
very strong twine, known as the camera della morte (death chamber).
It was here that the cruel mattanza (the kill or slaughter) took
place. Today, the tuna fishery accommodates a large hotel complex.
Buseto Palizzolo
Campobello Di Mazara
Castellammare Del Golfo
Mazara Del Vallo
San Vito Lo Capo
Santa Ninfa
Saline Dello Stagnone
Isola Di Formica
Cave Di Cusa
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